Essentially, the plan commits the Board to growing the public transportation system while, at the same time, predicating that growth upon available funding and the commitment by the community to implement transit friendly design elements.
In addition to service expansion, the plan calls for more visability for the transit system, enhanced passenger amenities such as shelters and benches and a more user-friendly system of public information.
Click on the cover of the report above to obtain a complete copy in pdf format.
I read your report and that stagering to see that big budget jump to almost 24 mil in 2013.I have a couple of questions reguarding this reprt.I seen that there might be in plans to get rid of the alphabet lettering and replace it back to the route numbers as did prior to the conversion of Metro in 1986.One of the changes that i seen also was to possibly go with colors for suburban routes.Was that jst for the report or is this actually going to happen?Will there be colors signs as i see WMATA in washington D.C.,and L.A.Metro use for there system for those suburban routes?I also seen the rendering for the new 2010 hybrid buses.Not to be a critic but man that bus is to PLAIN.If it's ok to suggest I like to submit this drawing that I quickly drew up.Sorry for not being an artist but i think it would show what i'm refering http://s764.photobucket.com/albums/xx290/lantabusfan/?action=view¤t=HBRBRIDDESING.jpg thought I would be good to Kepp the stripes in place as it is a LANTA bus.With moving the leaf design back to were there would be advertisment space and since the clean populsion is to show it's a clean powered vehicle.I alo thought it would be best to move it back because I see that the leaf goes over the windows and i know over time with there possibly being a chance for the decales to peal from multiple washes it would go through likt the big American flags have on 3 of the buses they are placed on,and if there is a a incident to were the window has to get replaced it would not really effect the look of the vehicle as if it was to be in the front.I hope that you would consider this ideal then just the one in the rendering before the buses are built.
The growth in the projected costs/budget is in direct relation to the amount of service being proposed. This is in response to what the public or community ask for: More bus service. Doubling the bus service would easily double costs and that is in today's dollar not inflated dollars. Public transit services - like all public services really - is expensive and this growth is going to require a very large increase in local funding to achieve. That is the point that is trying to be made.
As for the route designations, the concept is to simplify the route information so that the public more easily understands it. The consultants felt that the color coding and alphabet approach was not effective based on public input. We are not sure there is a way to make public transit information 'easy to understand' no matter how you render it. We are actively pursuing a project that will broadcast real time information for passengers that we hope will at least simplify using the system.
Finally, we appreciate your suggestion on how to paint the new hybrid vehicles coming in June. The idea at this point is to make them visually 'grean' by replacing the current red and blue stripes with stylized natural green and robins egg blue stripes. Beauty and good design are truly in the eye of the beholder so there may not be a definitive 'correct' color scheme but we will certainly take your suggestion under consideration.
Just a note: LANTA is looking for local corporate sponsors for these 5 hybrid buses to partner with LANTA in introducing the new, environmentally friendly vehicles into the community for mutual benefit. Having a coporate name featured in large letters on these vehicles will only cost $10,000 for three years.
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