This project involves the construction of an intermodal transit center along with a 2 - 3 story level parking garage and a 3 story commercial building at 123 and 181 South Third Street (former Perkins Restaurant and Marquis Theatre properties) in the City of Easton, Northampton County, Pennsylvania.
The meeting will be held Thursday, February 18, 2010, Easton Council Chambers, 1 South Third Street, Easton
The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the project and to provide interested individuals an opportunity early in the project design and planning phase to submit comments and suggestions. In accord with the National Environmental Policy Act, an Environmental Assessment (EA) document will be prepared in advance of the project approval. It is anticipated that the EA will be available for public review and comment in May.
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone requiring special accommodations for this meeting, or for additional information, please contact:
Armando V. Greco, Executive Director
Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority
1060 Lehigh Street
Allentown, PA 18103
The post that was removed was in Chinese and we could not understand what it said and consider it spam.
My biggest concern/desire is that the facility provide storefronts along S 3rd and that the building NOT be designed for a single purpose like the museum / hall of fame, but rather that it be a well-designed new urban building which, if it has the hall of fame, just happens to have the hall of fame. So if the proposed HOF goes bankrupt or decides to move in the future, the building is not an obviously defunct HOF building which can't be readily and appropriately re-purposed as something else (like offices or condos). PLEASE integrate the following values in the building's design: new-urbanist, modern, historic district scale friendly, green, pedestrian- and streetscape- friendly, and adaptable. Thanks!
Will: The original site plan called for a building that would house both the transit terminal and retail/office space capacity. The Hall of Fame was an opportunity that knocked and appears to 'fit' the project. Your comment along with your specific points with regard to urban planning etc will be passed along for consideration by the planning team.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Moving Lanta forward, thanks for the response and passing this on. I realize on re-reading that I said this was the Western approach to downtown. Of course, I meant the Southern approach.
Point taken about the functionality, but ultimately the facade is 90% of what matters as far as integration with the rest of Easton goes.
By the way, I'm having a hard time posting comments here. I think only Internet Explorer works as a browser.
We understood your reference regardless of the direction.
Your comment has already been passed along for consideration in the review process.
Not sure why you would have problems posting. Might have been a momentary glitch. We regularly switch between Firefox and IE without issue.
In any case, your comment along with this clarification are registered.
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