The Job Fair is Saturday and Sunday, January 9-10, 2010.
Time: 9 a.m. to Noon
Location: LANTA Offices at 1060 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA
Employment applications are available online to print out and review:
Click here
News about meeting the growing and changing public transit needs of the Lehigh Valley
This was a forum to discuss LANTA’s role in the Valley from a land use perspective, how the Authority compared with transit agencies similar in size and service area across the country and what the consultants believed the community could support in terms of growth in services.
Given, through the extensive public input process followed during the planning process, the community’s desire for ‘more public transportation’ in the Valley, one of the prime challenges is implementing significant growth with the moderate growth in financial support that is anticipated at all government levels. To make this equation even more challenging, since the study was started in March, 2008, a major recession has occurred in the US and it has become clear that the growth in funding anticipated from the State of Pennsylvania is not forthcoming.
LANTA’s consultant proposed marketing strategies and land use recommendations for the groups’ consideration along with the phased plan for growth over the next 12 years.
The marketing approach dealt with ‘branding’ and image issues and how to achieve rider growth and retention given limited resources and staff.
The service plan presented is a 3-phased plan for the period 2010 through 2022. It was stressed that connecting land use and transit oriented design is vital for success, particularly if the Lehigh Valley wishes to transition to higher‐ridership transit modes such as express bus and light rail. The plan proposes specific goals for land use and also recommends passenger amenities – shelters and well-designed bus stops - necessary to support an enhanced, innovative and dynamic transit system.
The 3-year proposed marketing plan focuses on the 3 R’s for transit: recruitment of riders, retention of riders, and reputation of the system. Also essential to the marketing strategy are the 4 P’s: product, pricing, place and promotion. The consultant also noted that the Authority has limited human resources dedicated to the marketing effort and should consider investment in this area.
As one member of the group noted, “There are some very large numbers being presented here, in terms of local commitment. Does our community have the ‘will’ to produce the revenue needed to obtain the services they say they want?”
The last comprehensive examination of public transportation in the Valley occurred in 1985. At that time, the “Metro” system of service was introduced which responded to the impact of the loss of major employment centers in the urbanized area and the shift to destinations in the more rural portions of the Valley. Since then, LANTA has made many modifications to the basic system of service based on an ongoing review process, and, over time, experienced significant gains in ridership. Since 1997, LANTA ridership of the public transportation system has grown more than 70%.
The long range planning process which began in March, 2008 was completed in early 2010, involved an extensive review of the existing transit system, a comparison of the Valley's transit with a group of peers, a comprehensive outreach program to gain public input, and a determination on how best to meet the community’s changing needs for service. A set of recommendations designed achieve the most effective and productive transit system possible was delivered to the LANTA Board and adopted in early 2010. Act 44 has not fulfilled its promise in terms of funds becoming available for expansion. But the State is addressing this in the short term and there is talk of increased funding on the federal level in the near future. With the Moving LANTA Forward plan, the Authority stands ready to move forward at the earliest opportunity.